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"Nebraska Led Nebraska Bred"

Growing Companies

Growing Talent

Growing Nebraska

Who We Work With


Need software/an app developed? First-time founder? Non-technical founder? We can help


Student or recent graduate looking software development roles? Senior developer looking for side work? Let's chat



Startup Legal?

Other organization that works with founders?

Let's collaborate


Want to help the underserved youth start their careers?

Want to help attract and retain talent within Nebraska?

Let's chat

Who We Are

The Nebraska Innovation Labs is a non-profit software and app development organization that helps startup founders/entrepreneurs turn their ideas into real, market ready products, at a low-cost. On top of low-cost development, we provide founders with startup mentoring. Through our own experience and a network of resource partners, we’re able to provide guidance to startups at the stages before development. This can include guidance with patents, fundraising, and much more.


We achieve low-cost development by taking students or recent graduates (junior developers) and pairing them with senior developers. On top of the low-cost development, this provides the next generation of tech talent with an unparalleled learning and working opportunity and an unprecedented item for their portfolio. We also try to facilitate their next opportunity. Whether it’s encouraging the company we do development for, to hire them, another company that wants access to our talent, or building them into a senior developer for the Innovation Labs

Our Track Record


Startup's Products Built


Internships Provided


Startups Helped

Our Portfolio


Our Portfolio

The Kaizen Design
Major Talent
Automated Assessments

Our Partners

Smith Gambrell Russell Law Firm
University of Nebraska Omaha/Nebraska Business Development Center
Omaha Data Science Academy
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